Tahoe Tramping – Sagehen Creek
“Every day opens and closes like a flower, noiseless, and effortless.”
– John Muir
Now is a good time to visit Sagehen Creek, seven miles north of Interstate 80 on Hwy. 89. Look for a dirt parking area on the right hand side of the road just after crossing a highway bridge over Sagehen Creek.
This is an easy, out-and-back five mile hike along and above the creek on its way to Stampede Reservoir, passing many early spring wildflowers. On the day we visited, we saw California valerian, western buttercup, Brown’s peony, arrowleaf balsamroot, mule ears, lupine, paintbrush, star lavender, shooting stars, mahala mat, larkspur, bistort, rock cress, and rock star to name a few.
We also heard olive-sided flycatchers, western wood-pewees, yellow-rumped warblers, mountain chickadees, nuthatches, and red-winged blackbirds. Two Osprey were also seen flying over the creek heading for the lake. Halfway along the trail there is also a hundred foot long beaver dam that creates a large pond.
At the end of the trail approaching Stampede Reservoir, there are meadows filled with violet, blue camas lilies. Be sure to follow the trail until it again reaches the creek. There is a wooden board across the water where you can reach a meadow with so many lilies blooming, that it looks like a distant lake.
This is a popular trail for many Truckee residents, and also used by a lot of people walking with their dogs, but it is well worth a visit.
– Tom
NOTE: This article was written in May so much of the scenery has changed between now and then but this is still a beautiful hike you won’t want to miss!