Hope you are enjoying the new snow!

We have a couple of group fitness updates. First, ZUMBA with Joy has moved to Saturday morning. Come start your weekend dancing! Also, Tom is bringing back his Friday morning SPIN class. Such a great way to start the day!

Group Fitness Schedule

MONDAY 9:15 – 10:15 CARDIO/BARRE with KATIE 

TUESDAY 7:30 – 8:30 AM SPIN with Heidi 



FRIDAY 7:30 – 8:30 AM SPIN with Tom (Starts 11/18)

SATURDAY 9:15 – 10:15 ZUMBA with Joy

Cardio/Barre with Katie is an upbeat, high-energy class that combines traditional, lightweight barre exercises with non-stop, fat-burning, metabolic movements.

Zumba with Joy is a fun class that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Zumba routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — to help improve cardiovascular fitness.

Yoga with Tracy will revitalize your body, relax your mind, and reduce stress by bringing awareness to the breath and gentle alignment to the body.

Spin with Heidi & Tom – All fitness levels will benefit from this group cycling class that exhilarates and challenges your cardiovascular system. Every class is unique and sure to strengthen your legs, burn calories, and build endurance.

Space is limited – all group fitness classes are first come first serve.

Come join a class to find motivation & inspiration while being a part of a great community. Try a class this week and see for yourself the transformational power of group fitness.