Shared from Being a gym beginner is a little scary. Heck, even as someone who has worked out for years, walking into a new gym can be intimidating, nerve wracking and, OMG, what is all of this fitness equipmentand how do I use it? In case you feel a bit intimidated by the old …
Category Archives: Well Being
10 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution
Shared from , written by Louise Smith Make this the year you achieve your fitness or weight loss goal! Chances are at some time in your life you’ve made a New Year’s resolution — and then broken it. This year, stop the cycle of resolving to make change and then not following through. If your resolution is to …
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Christmas Hours and Group Fitness Updates
The holidays are upon us! It’s a busy time of year for sure but really important to keep up with our health. Here are the holiday hours and the updated group fitness classes happening at A Sante’ for the week of 12/20 – 12/26. Come get a workout or take in a group fitness class …
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6 Convincing Reasons to Start Working Out Immediately
BY ROB SULAVERShared from Why bother with this whole “exercise” trend? I mean, hell. It’s hard work. It’s time-consuming. Your body aches. Your butt smells like goat cheese. (Anyone? No? Only me?) It ain’t exactly a pony ride. And yet there are reasons (good reasons it seems) why people go the gym, love the …
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Cultural Healthcare
by Dr. Tim Schroeder As a chiropractor I study health everyday and because of that I know that I see it differently than most people. A lot of people come to me in Tahoe City for help with back and neck pain. But there are quite a few folks throughout the world who depend on …
Bandha Yoga Workshop with Deanna Kay
We hope you will join Deanna Kay on August 9th from 9-11 AM for this special Yoga class including an asana practice and discussion on the 3 bandhas and their uses. Great class for all practitioners. Please call A Sante’ to RSVP (530)583-4283. Invite a friend to join you for this refreshing and energizing workshop!
This Is the Brutally Honest Body Image Lesson That Should Be Taught in School
Shared from – Written by Jessi Kneeland Wear more makeup, don’t be fat, look less haggard, wear tighter clothes, wear looser clothes… Flip through any women’s magazine, and there’s a good chance you’ll get the same underlying message: No matter what we do with our brains, hearts, or spirits, if we’re not also sexually desirable, we’ve …
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May 30 Day Cardio Challenge
Are you READY? The A Sante’ Fitness 30 Day Cardio Challenge begins on Friday, May 1st. We encourage you to take this challenge! Summer is right around the corner and this is a great time to strengthen and tone up your body for the sun filled adventures ahead. Remember, these are some of the healthy benefits of cardio …
April is Nutrition Action Month
Did you make a resolution to eat better and move more this year? How is it going? Do you need to RE-COMMIT, RE-ENERGIZE and RE-BOOT? Don’t forget: We have 9 monhs left in this year! You have plenty of time to be successful and on your way to feeling great. Let our motto be: Eat …
Did you make a New Year’s Resolution this year?
How is your 2015 going so far? Don’t forget: We are only 60 days into 2014. You have 305 days left in this year! You have plenty of time to be successful and make your resolution happen. It is never too late to re-commit. Whatever your personal goal is: lose weight, gain weight, get stronger, be …
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