April is Nutrition Action Month!

Did you make a resolution to eat better and move more this year?   How is it going?  Do you need to RE-COMMIT, RE-ENERGIZE and RE-BOOT? Don’t forget: We have 270 days left in this year or 9 months! You have plenty of time to be successful and be on your way to feeling great. Let …

15 Surefire Strategies to Stay Fit From Thanksgiving to New Years

Don’t let the holiday season take you off course of your fitness and health goals.  Make a plan now and help yourself from going too crazy with all the fun celebrations coming up this sweet and festive time of year.  We thought you might enjoy this article from our friends at Greatest.com for some inspiration. …

April is Nutrition Action Month

Did you make a resolution to eat better and move more this year? How is it going?  Do you need to RE-COMMIT, RE-ENERGIZE and RE-BOOT? Don’t forget: We have 9 monhs left in this year! You have plenty of time to be successful and on your way to feeling great. Let our motto be: Eat …

Did you make a New Year’s Resolution this year?

How is your 2015 going so far?  Don’t forget: We are only 60 days into 2014. You have 305 days left in this year! You have plenty of time to be successful and make your resolution happen. It is never too late to re-commit. Whatever your personal goal is: lose weight, gain weight, get stronger, be …