Tahoe Tramping – Hunter Creek Falls

Hunter Creek Falls In our first hiking post on the Brown’s Creek trail, we mentioned another early season, dry trail on the east side of the Carson Range, Hunter Creek Falls.  From Tahoe, you take Hwy 80 to Reno, get off on W. 4th Street near Mogul, turn right on Mayberry Rd., right on Plateau …

Tahoe Tramping – Brown’s Creek Trail

Although there is still a lot of snow on the trails in the local Tahoe area, if you are getting anxious to start hiking, you can start putting in miles on dry dirt by going over to the eastern side of the Carson Range. Last week, I took a 4.9 mile semi-loop on the Brown’s …

April is Nutrition Action Month!

Did you make a resolution to eat better and move more this year?   How is it going?  Do you need to RE-COMMIT, RE-ENERGIZE and RE-BOOT? Don’t forget: We have 270 days left in this year or 9 months! You have plenty of time to be successful and be on your way to feeling great. Let …

Tahoe Tramping

Recently, I was asked by Cindy Streepey, owner of Asante Lakeside Fitness, to write a hiking column for the upcoming spring, summer, and fall seasons.  Our intent is to share current information on local trails, and hopefully encourage readers to add some out-door adventures to their fitness goals.  These articles will periodically appear on the …

Closed Easter Sunday

We will be closed on March 27, 2016 for Easter.  Enjoy the day off with family and friends.  We will see you back at the gym on Monday.  Best wishes for a wonderful Easter filled with sweet treats and the joy of spring.

March is Resolution Reboot Month at A Sante’ Fitness

Have you made a resolution this year? How is it going? Do you need to RE-COMMIT, RE-ENERGIZE and RE-BOOT? Don’t forget: We are only 61 days into 2016  You have 305 days left in this year. You have plenty of time to make your 2016 goals a reality. It is never too late. Whatever your …

30 Day / 30 Minute Cardio Challenge

Next fitness challenge begins March 1, 2016 – The 30 Day / 30 Minute Cardio Challenge! The goal of this challenge is to assist you in establishing a healthy habit, and to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise per day for 30 days. Feel free to add on to this daily challenge if …

A Handy Infographic for the Gym Beginner

Shared from FitBottomedGirls.com Being a gym beginner is a little scary. Heck, even as someone who has worked out for years, walking into a new gym can be intimidating, nerve wracking and, OMG, what is all of this fitness equipmentand how do I use it? In case you feel a bit intimidated by the old …

9 Things to Know About Group Exercise Classes

By Erin, Shared from FitBottomGirls.com I was getting my hair done the other day when my stylist started talking about her weight-loss plateau. She belongs to a gym, so I asked her if she takes any group classes. “They’re not my thing,” she said. “I just don’t like them. I feel awkward!” As the most …